Balance Campaign is thrilled to present our #WhyNotWednesdays video performance series. Check back every Wednesday through September 23 for virtual performances of some of our favorite new music solos, duos, and maybe a full ensemble teaser!
“La bicicleta de cristal” by Angélica Negrón, ft. Emory Hensley, percussion
Olmstead: II. The Ramble by Robert Olmstead, ft. Sandy Choi, violin, and Elizabeth Hill, piano
Portraits of Langston: I. Prelude: Helen Keller & III. Le Grand Duc Mambo, by Valerie Coleman, ft. Meghan Shanley, flute, and Emily Robinson, clarinet
“The Strange Highway” by Gity Razaz, ft. Erin Snedecor, cello
ANIMAL by Nathan Lincoln-DeCusatis (excerpt), Balance Campaign